
It’s not good to have new thoughts

Mr. Glass

Mr. Glass

That’s what you think.

Just follow this for a moment.

A lot of the thoughts you have in a day are the same as you did the day before. You think about the problems in your life, the people in your life, the things you have to do, and every one of those has an emotion attached to it.

Same thoughts lead to same choices, which lead to same behaviours, which lead to the same experiences, which lead to the same emotions, which lead to the same thoughts. It’s a loop.

You keep thinking the same thoughts, making the same choices, eventually stamping the pattern within you, all for the comfortable feeling of familiarity. In time, you become a subconscious program – not by choice, by nature.

By the time you reach your thirties, you have simply become a set of memorised behaviours, unconscious habits, automatic emotional responses, hardwired thoughts, beliefs, perceptions. When you feel that you have made the right decision, it might not be the right decision, but rather one which feels more familiar.

Adults spend so much time philosophising basic behaviour, wondering who they are, what they are, discovering the self, and struggling to be themselves.

A four-year-old child has no concern about being something other than themself. It is an alien concept for them to be something other than themselves; I am sure everyone as a child has at some point wondered if movies are real, if actors actually die in real life when they do so in a movie. It is an unnatural idea to be something you are not. To be in a play with yourself. It is learnt.

Going back to the loop: Our bodies respond to emotions. Stress, as an example, can be caused through a variety of emotions and will lead our bodies to degrade internally and externally.

So, if emotions can make us sick, and thoughts can trigger emotions, then thoughts alone can make us sick. If thoughts can make us sick, they can also make us better.

The point I’m makin’ is the mind is a powerful place
And what you feed it can affect you in a powerful way
It’s pretty cool, right? Yeah, but it’s not always safe
Just hang with me, this’ll only take a moment, okay?
Just think about it for a second, if you look at your face
Every day when you get up and think you’ll never be great
You’ll never be great, not because you’re not, but the hate
Will always find a way to cut you up and murder your faith (woo!)

The Search, NF

Subconsciously, you like the same kind of places, the same kind of people. It could be a home that reminds you of your childhood, it could be a potential partner who reminds you of a parent, it could be as simple as something unhealthy you eat just because you know what to expect. It might not be the best choice for you, your body, or your mind, but you will still be comfortable with the choice, because it will be familiar, in line with the pattern.

Your brain thinks it’s not good to have new thoughts.

Give it something new — feed it something new. Give it a little nudge.

It’s okay to live in a home that’s smaller than what you are used to, it might even be better. It’s okay to consider someone a potential partner, even if you didn’t think of them as such before. It’s okay to break pride and prejudices. It’s okay to have new thoughts.