

Mr. Glass

Mr. Glass

How hard is it to blame someone?

Why is there so much suffering?

Depending on the variety of priest or spiritual leader you meet in India, you will have the possibility of getting one of these two answers:

  • It is because of the sins you committed in your last incarnation.
  • It is because of the sins of your father.

They are both equally moronic. If there is a God or several gods, what kind of a moronic people are they? Why do we need to dedicate ourselves to them, for them to be good to us? Why must we follow their rules? Why are they so possessive, full of tantrums, and the rituals? Why? Why do they need so much pleasing? Why do we matter to them?

I don’t know what I was in my past incarnation or what terrible atrocity I committed to deserve a life trapped in this prison for a body. Why do I deserve to live with this body because of what my father did?! Were these rules written by morons?

Yes. Yes they were, written by morons drafting a story so they can perpetuate their power further and establish themselves as a higher force, above kings and queens, even. Religion was created by smart people; they used words to win wars, countries, kingdoms, and whatever else they wanted.

It has always been a business, a path to project power.

God will always be above the Crown, under which will be the weak common subjects.

Women will always be beneath Men, supressed with societal stigmas and religious objections.

By the simple act of labeling women as inferior rather than different, 50% of the population is eliminated from this competition of life. What remains is a man, and he is given the responsibility to be the sole caretaker of his family. He needs to be masculine, a rock-solid foundation, upon which his woman will rely. That is what religions believe to be ideal.

Oh, and capitalism? Perfect! Men! Enjoy your time chasing imaginary numbers! If you have a lot of imaginary numbers, you will be immensely powerful! But, not as powerful as us, obviously. Religion is still above the ruling class. You will still be beneath us, these imaginary numbers. Remember your place in the hierarchy. God is above all, and we stand for God.

Just keep the men busy and the women supressed. Oh and, nobody fucks. God absolutely does not want to watch you rub your bodies together.

That is all he does. Watch. Where is God when children are dying of malaria? There are worms that eat your eyes from the inside out. There are millions dying of malnutrition. There are people with lives of no meaning because they cannot ever get out of poverty. A billion people worth of lost potential.

There is no help. There is no God.

It’s a perfect set up for the influential and powerful, who do as they please, fuck who they like, and disregard anything that comes in their way.


Yet, when coincidences happen, they leave this rational mind in a limbo. There are too many of them.

Why does it happen?

Why do things sometimes just fall in place?

At a cosmic scale, just as an example, why the distance and size of the sun, moon, and earth, align just ever so perfectly that we can get complete solar and lunar eclipses? What grand madness, at what scale, had to occur for this coincidence? Universe is full of coincidences and luck, incredible luck. Mathematical coincidences, patterns, and matter that we know nothing about. Humanity is lucky to exist in this muck.

But, humanity is nothing. At a cosmic scale, we are not even a speck of dust. God doesn’t care. It is a delusion that we have some privileged position in the universe. Universe is too vast to care.

Indeed, religion is an invention of the powerful to control the weak. Weak, who need someone to help them, and God surely will. He is kind, and generous, but you must follow these rules for God to like you. If you don’t, you will be punished by the very kind God.

However, that doesn’t mean the Universe doesn’t have a strange order to it. A mystical aura around it. Why are we here? There’s no reason, we just are. It’s okay to just be. Just to exist. We are all made of the same thing, and we will all end up in the same place. Our children, our ancestors, our anybody and anyone, at the same place, at the same time.

Why do we have coincidences? Why do we have things that just happen to be just right? Why is anything, at all, everything?

At this scale, at this place, nothing I just said matters. It’s okay to fuck, too.

Spirituality is simply a pursuit of freedom from the unnecessary, but that freedom, and what is unnecessary, means different things to different people. Spirituality, thus, is a process very personal. A spiritual leader’s spirituality is not your spirituality. It just can’t be.

Spiritual leaders do not sell spirituality, they sell tickets. You can read their ideas with their books that they sell thousands of copies of, because there is plenty of people that feel disconnected in this modern society.

A Greek philosopher’s ideas may resonate with you. They may help you, even. They feed you the fish, they don’t help you catch one.

They are not going to make you spiritual. That is something you must think for yourself, not read from a book, or learn from a show. A friend cannot teach you to be spiritual, neither can family. Strangers, definitely not.

It is just what makes you simply want to be you, just to be. Only you know.

Here is the funny bit:

One may argue that, here, I am selling my own brand of spirituality. Amusingly, it is even easier for me, because I simply ask you to think and make your own thing. It is less work for me.

I cannot entertain this argument as it is pointless. I asked for you to think for yourself, and by simply committing the act of creating this argument in your mind, you are.

Do not listen to me; be yourself.